As tradition for all our measuring instruments, the Misuratori del Tempo are also accompanied by a certificate which, in addition to certifying their ownership and origin in combination with their serial number, guarantees its quality and manufacturing excellence.

Based on the experience of our measurement laboratory, we have developed a test program, based on European regulations
EN 3158 and EN 3159, which guarantees the
verification of our watches under conditions of use
and consequently certifies the real performance of the instrument delivered to the customer.
The Time Meters are verified and certified against a sample instrument, noting the real advance and delay measured during the deliberation tests.
The Calibration Report takes into account
the tests carried out at the end of production,
in such a way that only the Measurers who comply with the requirements of the movements carried out,
are identified and stored in the warehouse.
If the required requirements are not met, the necessary corrections are made.
In this way, the instrument can then be rechecked and tested again.

Once the preliminary checks on the absence of defects in the movement have been successfully passed, we proceed with the complete testing phase and the related certification. This iteration is carried out by a specialized laboratory, which is responsible for drawing up the final certificate.
This last document reports in detail the specific characteristics of the movement tested, together with the identification data of the customer for whom it is intended.